Bits and Pieces

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17 Feb 2016
Elasticon Keynote

I am in San Francisco today at Pier 48 attending the Elasticon 2016. So far I walked around the vendor area and checked them out. Now I am awaiting the keynote and wonder what to expect considering it is an Opensource project. I am guessing it will be mostly around Elastic’s commercial products.

So far it is very loud …. - way to loud.

1800 Attendees - that’s actually more than I expected.
51000 Community Members
500 Meetups - 138 Groups.
50,000,000 downloads across all products.

Onto use cases:

DARPA USAA Hotel Tonight - uses hosted version Goldman Sachs etc.

The future:

Road Map: What would Luke Skywalker do?

More Analytics Products for Non Developers
Centralising the Deployments

Shay Banon up next:

What happened - last year:
Talking about the Elasticsearch logo Mayhem. ELK stack is now Elastic Stack. New logos for everything.
Columnar Store - since EL 2.0.
Java Security Manager - since EL 2.0 - very challenging to implement.
CLuster State Difs - also since EL 2.0
Profiling API - tough to humanly digest - working on a GUI
Geo Location
Pipeline Aggregation

Black again - actually really difficult to implement.
Heat Maps.

Faster more reliable pipelines
Responsive design (automatic reload of configurations)
plugins, plugins, plugins
Reimplemented modules in Java
Made things faster and faster and faster


Release Bonanza:
All products will be on the same version in the future (version 5).


Make it simple to start.
Ingest Node - libraries that do logstash work.

Kibana 4.0:
Custom plugins

Rashid Khan (Creator of Kibana):
What’s new with 5.0

Better experience building plugins
Makes it easier for the UI team at the Elastic Team
Changes in service level:
Upgrade - just restart Kibana
Less Kibana more Data (20% more space for data)
Fieldstats API in Kibana since 4.0
short and superfast fast overview

Packs: Bundle together a few plugins to a zip file to tell a story (???)
Download a complete solution (implemented in plugins across the stack)

Commercial Extensions:
security implemented all the way down to Lucene
Secure sessions in Kibana

Watcher etc.
Now they are all bundled in one pack called x-pack
Uri Boness

Demonstrates value of packs (bundles)

x-pack has built-in users
x-pack allows user and roles management from Kibana Web UI
x-pack add monitoring for EL cluster Logstash nodes, client nodes

Demonstrates the logout button (end of demo)

Gephi (Graph)

New feature in x-pack
Graph API (Kibana plugin)

Found Service:
Renaming to Elastic Cloud
Deployed across AWS/GCE/SoftLayer/Azure
Now also a product for on-premise: Elastic Cloud Enterprise Available as private Beta as off today

Install demo: looks like they are using docker
Demo create on-demand Elasticsearch cluster.
Use isolated Docker containers for each new service (EL cluster)

Next up IBM:


Til next time,
E.E at 12:53

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