Bits and Pieces

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18 Feb 2016
ElasticON Day 2

What’s New with Logstash

Logstash 5.0 (or beyond 2.2) will have a lot of goodies that will allow multiple logstash instances much easier. Configurations will be stored EL and an _logstash API will be added. Logstash instance are assigned roles that reflects their configurations. Updates will “live” or via simple reloads, so no restart is necessary.

Monitoring of logstash instances will be part of the Kibana menue.

Netsuite - User story - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Scaling (very special use case) - because Developers misrepresent (lie) about their requirements.
- it is not about indexes it is about shards.
- Organizing ElasticSearch on big HW. New HW is too big for a single ElasticSearch.
- Use only 1/2 of your Memory ????
- Best way to scale seems to add more nodes.
- How to manage shards when you have more than one EL node running on a system.
- Use Configuration management!! (Shield requires added configuration files).

Til next time,
E.E at 10:53

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