Bits and Pieces

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31 Jan 2015
Write 'Hello World' with Ansible

Lately I work quite a bit with Ansible. There is a lot to like about it. Creating VM on AWS is particularly easy with Ansible. I was working on a playbook that had a dependency on the Ansible version itself so I toyed around with omit.

My playbook contained the following piece of code:

  type: "{{ 'pd-ssd' if ansible_version.full | version_compare('1.9', '>=') else omit }}" 

So it basically should use the value pd-ssd if the ansible version is 1.9 or greater or omit the parameter completely as it not supported in earlier Ansible versions (The parameter is used for the gce_pd module)

I did test omit in a smaller test playbook and here is the exact:

- name: Hello World  
  hosts: local  
  gather_facts: no  
  connection: local  
    disp: "{{ xxxx | default(omit) }}"
  - name: check  
    msg: "{{ disp }}"

So lets run this:

``` $ ansible-playbook -i hosts hello.yml

PLAY [Hello World] ********************

TASK: [check exists] ************** ok: [localhost] => { “msg”: “Hello world!” }

PLAY RECAP ************************ localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 ```


Til next time,
E.E at 11:02

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