Bits and Pieces

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19 Aug 2014
So I don't forget again

This is one of the blog posts that is mostly for I am still digging into chef and all its details. There are many blogs out there, however chef develops so rapidly that many of the blogs are outdated. I am sure this will also happen to this blog entry….

Today I had to work with encrypted data bags. They are easy to create with knife and a chef server: knife data bag from file DATA_BAG_NAME /path/to/DATA_BAG_ITEM.json --secret-file /path/to/encrypted_data_bag_secret

But since I needed them locally on my system - I am using chef solo with vagrant - I wanted to download them again. So here is how I got it done. There might other better ways…. knife data bag show DATA_BAG_NAME --format json DATA_BAG_ITEM > /path/to_encrypted/DATA_BAG_ITEM.json

Til next time,
E.E at 23:30

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